As promised, on a lighter theme, a new creative project to report on.
I know that the beginning of a new quarter of graduate school should be about research and papers, but why is it that creativity has its own calendar to keep?
I had not touched a sewing machine for 12 years or so, so when my friend showed me a cool way to put some journal scraps together by making me encouraging me to sew some paper together, I must have been quite inspired because a) I didn’t run away; and b) on a normal day, you would have needed to pay me (a lot) to touch that box with a needle that moves up and down. Guess what, I have one in my studio now. And here are a few of my journal pages.
And she is teaching a class Inspire Me! Challenge yourself to create AND use a personal visual journal on May 8 at Elma Creative Arts Studio. Check out her video!